Thursday, May 7, 2020

Why adopt home remedies। क्यों अपनाएं घरेलू नुस्खे

Why adopt home remedies। क्यों अपनाएं घरेलू नुस्खे

Why adopt home remedies
Home remedies

Knowledge of Ayurveda is in our India since very ancient times. Ayurveda has come out of the world's oldest scripture Vedas. 

Ayurveda has been called the method of keeping your body healthy and the treatment of many diseases and the knowledge of how to avoid them and to maintain a long life while staying healthy. With our birth or after taking birth on this earth, some disease remains in the body. And as the body grows. By the way, there is also an increase in diseases. There are thousands of diseases too, so in Indian philosophy, it is considered a service to look after patients and give medicines to them. Serving Others in Indian Civilization
Great devotion is considered. Home remedies to cure diseases were very prevalent in the ancient way of life in India. This means that certainly the education of that time in women, this subject must be taught compulsorily or in the traditional education system of the family, any woman will continue to learn it from women older than her and this link will be going on continuously. In such a situation, if someone has suffered a disease at home, then these home remedies can be used easily and immediately as initial medicine. When the disease is more complicated, it would be taken to the physician or good doctor.
But as lifestyles changed and the influence of Western and European lifestyles came on our society, so the tradition of learning and learning of domestic tips came to an end. A kind of civilizational distinction spread very rapidly that those who those who know, or use prescriptions, are all illiterate and uncouth. And it is believed that all the rural people of India represent it. On the other hand, the population living in the cities is more civilized as it does not believe in such home remedies but instead believes more in the treatment of allopathy from the west. That is why in the modern education system developed by Macaulay in the 18th century
There would have been no provision for teaching or teaching such prescriptions. Since the way of life of the urban class was developing on the basis of the beliefs and civilization of the West, in the house, traditionally teaching home remedies That the tradition almost came to an end. And then the government and administration also encouraged the treatment of allopathy. As a result, gradually our sisters and women of the house were deprived of this knowledge or the tradition of imparting this knowledge ended. In fact, today we all feel that health is only
Is the largest capital. The one who is well healthy is the wealthiest. If we believe that then, according to today's modern civilization, most of the people of our society will get sick, the main reason for this is the lifestyle and food of today. 
Today's modern civilization believes that the more tension increases, the more development will happen. One implication of this is that the more stress will increase, the more diseases will occur, and it is also visible to us today that as doctors increase, as medicines increase, as hospitals grow. By the way, patients and diseases are also increasing. Another reason for increasing disease and disease is that we have come far away from home remedies and have forgotten the behavior of eating and drinking.  That is, we do not know what to eat and what not to eat. Even in the most ordinary families, there is no such information as to what are the benefits of eating what and in which season, what and what is not harmful by eating what.  That is, we are not able to know the coincidences of food and drink, hence also the diseases increase greatly. The purpose of publishing this blog is decided from here. Home medicine is a stream derived from the knowledge of Ayurveda, first of all, it has to be kept in mind that what is health, and how it can be kept good. That is why in Ayurveda, the routine and the diet are explained in great detail. Much has been elaborated on ways to live a regular life from sunrise to sunyast. According to Ayurveda our body is made up of five elements. Earth, water, fire, air and sky. These elements have a certain proportional relationship among themselves. If this ratio deteriorates in any way, diseases are produced in the body. Apart from this, the five senses are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. The five centers are hands, feet, mouth, anus and penis.  

According to Indian philosophy, for a healthy life, it is necessary that we live life by the rules of religion, meaning, work and salvation. But our life today is far away from all this. The rules of our eating and drinking - abstinence, the rules of sleeping and waking, abstinence, the rules of behavior among ourselves, sobriety are quite different from the principles stated in our religion. According to Ayurveda, this irregularity is contrary to the laws of health. And this irregularity makes us sick.

In today's lifestyle, we are seeing that getting treatment for diseases is becoming more and more expensive. Hence the utility of home remedies is felt more. Another big reason is that in today's knowledge-science, we neither know about the disease, nor do we know about the medicines and treatment process being given to us. That's why most doctors cheat patients unnecessarily. After all, how is it possible that any doctor opens a hospital and within two-three years the hospital becomes multi-storey, in addition to that, there are only a handful of good doctors. That is why there is a need to teach home remedies and home medicine.

Home remedies are thousands of years old and have been tested on time scales. Herbs, water, tree leaves, tree bark, fruits, etc. have all been used to remove minor diseases.

Has developed from its experience and knowledge. Most of the tips are so useful and simple that they go on and on and they prove to be useful in our lives. Domestic medicine is the closest to the principle of Swadeshi because our sages have believed that the medicine is useful for the living being. That is, the trees or plants, flowers, leaves, roots, tubers, soil, air, water and medicines prepared in our forests and forests will be useful to us and not medicines or formulas coming from abroad. Hence it sits closest to the principle of Swadeshi. Since we grow up in this environment. In this season, the pods are large and grow in the same conditions under which conditions, seasons, environment.
 In this tree, plants, full leaves etc. are big and according to the principle of Ayurveda, our body is also made up of five elements, so the nature of these medicines and home remedies is similar to the nature of our body. and perhaps

That is why most of these tips are known in the house and in every village. For this, they do not have to undergo any training nor read any texts, hence the prevalence of home remedies related to domestic medicine is still quite prevalent in our country. They need to be reminded a little bit.  Which we are trying through this book. 

Home medicine is also beneficial in the sense that it can be immediate and is simple. Often it can be from household items. For example, suddenly someone has stomach pain and the patient is 20-25 km away from the city and there is no way to go to the city, in such a time, home remedies are very useful.

In stomachache, taking the powder of parsley in honey gives instant relief or by dissolving 1 ratti asafetida in water, drinking it provides great relief in stomachache or acidity. This type of prescription provides instant relief in stomachache. Similarly, this home medicine is also very cheap. If you go to the doctor for the same pain or acidity, then you will get a lot of fees and expensive medicines.

Will have to take the same place very cheaply with home remedies, this disease can be cured.
In view of all these results, we have published this blog for you. We fully hope that the purpose for which this blog has been written will be fulfilled.