Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Home remedies Ayurveda। घरेलू उपचार आयुर्वेद

Home remedies Ayurveda। घरेलू उपचार आयुर्वेद

Home remedies Ayurveda
Home remedies

The real meaning of health is that the body remains healthy, not just attached to it. Rather, the body as well as the mind will remain healthy only then health can remain good. The root of most diseases has been attributed to the 'psychosomatic' condition. Which is directly related to the state of mind. That is, if our mind is good, chill is happy then diseases will also be minimal. Another major cause of diseases is the effect of the external environment on the body, ie the change of seasons, cold, heat, rain, etc., the effect of germs, microbes and the effect of contaminated environment or accidental accidental effects. Due to all these reasons, a person can fall ill.

Any disease comes slowly in our body. We do not know when it starts. When that disease matures and its
Symptoms begin to appear on our body, then we come to know that we have become sick and in that case there is no option but to do medicine.  If we were already alert and kept in mind all the action-reactions happening in our body or tried to live life in a natural way, we would have fallen ill at least. That is, the law of nature, all the parts of our body
If we follow their rules, then we do not fall ill.
Therefore, the scriptures emphasize unity of body and mind. Therefore, to maintain good health, you will have to maintain harmony of your body and mind.
According to Ayurveda our body is made up of five elements. Earth, water, fire, air, and sky.  That's why home medicine is also based on these five elements. According to Ayurveda, there are three types of doshas in our body.  1) Vata dosha  2) Pitta dosha  3) Kapha dosha.  These three doshas are present in every human being. The person in which the defect is predominant among the three defects, that person is also called the person with the dominance of the defect. That is why only diseases with the predominance of that defect are found in that person.

1) Vata Dosh

Vata means air. In Ayurveda, air is said to be dynamic, hence it is also a type of energy. The nature of air is that it controls the whole body. It completes the journey from the brain to the brain.
This air helps in converting any thoughts into consciousness and it is also the power to convert the present experiences into memories.  That is, the air is naturally light and dry and if it becomes irregular and unhealthy, airborne diseases are caused.

In Ayurveda, there are five types of air.

1. Pranavayu : - It is related to breathing and chest.

 2. Vayana Vayu : - It is related to the functioning of the heart.

 3. Udaan Vayu : - It is related to food pipe, so it operates the functioning of food pipe.

 4. Samaan Vayu : - It is related to the intestines, so it is related to the operation of the process of digesting food and making feces.

 5. Apan Vayu : - It is related to anal and urinary system.  Hence it performs the function of bowel movement, sperm extract and delivery.

The air neither decreases nor increases. Is rather unbalanced. Therefore, in the treatment of diseases related to air, only an attempt is made to balance it. There are many types of air-related diseases such as abdominal pain, knee pain, joint pain, paralysis, tongue cramps, head dandruff, cracked feet, sleepiness, backache, etc. If we get it right, then we can do home medicine well.

 2) Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha has been thought to be stimulating and dynamic. Therefore it works to transform one energy of our body into another energy.  There is a local bile defect in our brain. Which performs the task of management in relation to diseases in the whole body.
Bile dosha controls the digestion of food after the food enters the food pipe. This pitta dosha also intensifies the intellect by controlling the domestic medicine of serious diseases. Pitta dosha only controls emotions like anger, fear etc. It has an important role in keeping the body temperature the same.
All types of skin diseases are diseases related to diarrhea, vomiting, headache due to bile irregularity. Waking up late at night by eating highly spicy, greasy and dainty foods, causing anxiety, bile becomes imbalanced. There are a lot of remedies to balance bile in home medicine.

3) Kapha Dosha

Kapha is composed of water and earth element, so it is heavy, unstable and humid. Along with this, Kapha makes the body shakti, and works to replenish energy. Kapha has the property of durability.
Therefore, people who are of the nature of phlegm are quite patient. Kapha creates the smoothness required for all body parts. Kapha ties all the structural parts of the body with each other, it provides mental strength as well as enhances the immunity.
Those who take excessive amounts of sweet, salty, sour or cold substances in their food, their phlegm becomes unbalanced. Due to imbalance of phlegm, cough, fever, body pain, lethargy, obesity, indigestion etc. spread diseases, thus if we are careful about Vata, Pitta and Kapha and do not move against them, we will at least get sick.

We fall ill only because we go against nature.  Our sages have made certain rules to live a healthy life according to the laws of nature and the structure of the body, if we do not follow them, we will definitely fall ill. Just as rules for eating and drinking have been made, similarly rules of ethics and thought have also been made.
Most of us do not follow the rules of food and nutrition and get nourishment wrongly, and such mistakes are frequent and frequent. For example, if we eat food, we either eat more due to taste or less food due to lack of taste. Both conditions are harmful, if you eat more food then it takes time to digest and causes stomach upset and hence digestive juices are not formed properly and food is not digested properly.  Eventually, it starts to rot. Later, this rotten food works in the digestive institution to produce many types of poisons.
After this, this food reaches the small intestine and from there, it goes into the body by choosing the ingredients that are favorable for health, and the toxic and alien elements remain there. Now, if the fecal institute works well, then these substances get out through the stool, otherwise they stay there and increase the toxin in the body. Other parts of the body such as lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines try to flush out these poisons and the body also tries to balance them in its own way, but if such toxic and heterogeneous elements are produced in large amounts then  These cleansers have to do a lot of labor.
Sometimes these organs get damaged due to excessive labor, and our body has to suffer big loss. Now, if these organs do not exclude the foreign elements correctly, then these alien elements cause various diseases in the body.  That is why we need to be very careful in the matter of food. Apart from this, hard work or mental exertion beyond the capacity of the body also causes diseases. Excessive exertion causes the fibers of our body to break down in excess, due to which the body becomes weak and due to this weakness, any type of viral diseases can occur at any time. Lack of sleep also causes a lot of illnesses.
Just as food gives our body energy, similarly, good sleep also gives our body energy. The biggest reason for the euphoria that comes in our body due to good sleep is that when we sleep, all the parts of our body continue to work equally.
But due to the state of relaxation they do not have to do excessive exertion and they get adequate amount of blood nutrition from which we experience drowsiness, and if we do not sleep well then all the organs inside the body get sufficient amount  Due to lack of nutrition in the blood, energy is not available and the toxin keeps accumulating in the fibers. And this poison causes illness. Apart from this, diseases also arise due to feelings of jealousy, malice, anxiety, anger etc.
Excessive addictions like tobacco, alcohol, beedi, cigarettes, etc. also cause illnesses because toxins are more due to their consumption. We have discussed earlier that our sages have made a lot of rules and regulations regarding eating, drinking, sleeping, sitting, sleeping, walking and walking etc.
In our religious texts and ethos texts, such rules and restraints have been explained in great detail, a lot of them are known by the elderly people of our homes but we do not pay attention to them. It is our endeavor that the information we are giving about the rules of restraint in this blog will be followed well and this will benefit your health.

Home remedies Ayurveda
Home remedies

 Please take care of them.

 1. Fruit juice, very oily things, whey and sour things should not be eaten at night.

 2. One should not drink water immediately after eating ghee or oil items, rather water should be drunk after one and a half hours.

 3. Running too fast or running immediately after a meal is harmful. That is why one should go for some rest.

 4. In the evening, after a meal, one should take a walk in a clean air; sleeping immediately after eating causes stomach disturbances.

 5. One should wake up early in the morning and do exercise or body labor in the open air.

 6. Never drink water after walking in strong sunlight, after physical exertion or immediately after defecation.

 7. Only honey and ghee should not be eaten after mixing in equal quantity, it becomes poison.

 8. Milk and jackfruit, milk and curd, fish and milk etc. should not be taken together.

 9. Never sleep with a cloth tied over your head or wearing socks.

 10. Reading in very fast or slow light, watching excessive TV or cinema, consuming more hot and cold things, using more chili spices, walking in strong sun should be avoided. If you have to walk in strong sunlight, then you should wear a cloth tied on the head and ears.

 11. The patient should always drink warm or lukewarm water. And the patient should be protected from cold air, labor, and anger.

 12. It is written in Ayurveda that sleep bile is pacified by sleeping, massage reduces air, vomiting reduces phlegm, and skipping reduces pacification. Therefore, these things must be kept in mind while doing home medicine.

 13. If burnt by fire or any hot thing, the burnt portion should be put in cold water.

 14. If there is pain in the ear, if the juice of the leaves is to be put in the ear, then it should be put before sunrise or after sunset.

 15. Any patient should avoid the consumption of oil, ghee or more smooth substances.

 16. Indigestion and retardant medicines should always be taken after meals.

 17. In case of stools or constipation, diarrhea should be done only in the morning, not in the night.

 18. If a teenager or young woman has epileptic seizures in the house, then she should not be given altitude, diarrhea or skipping.

 19. If a medicine is to be mixed with a thin substance, it should not be mixed with tea, coffee, or milk, but only in buttermilk, coconut water or plain water.

 20. Asafetida should always be roasted in native ghee and used. Raw asafetida should be applied in the paste.

If we think fearlessly in the treatment of minor illnesses or sudden worsening health, then definitely the prescription of home medicine will definitely come. But often we fear doctors immediately
 Runs to and the doctors take advantage of it.  They know that minor illnesses (such as headaches, mild back pain, harath, sadi, colds, etc.) are cured over time (in two-three days), and some simple medicines. Diseases that are cured on their own in two or three days means that the body has cured itself. Now there is no need for medicines and in some diseases, taking light medicines works. And in some diseases, medicines have to be administered carefully for a long time. In such a situation, some care must be taken in adopting home medicine.

 1. Buy tree bark, herbs, spices etc. from a good shop. Taking spices or herbs that are rotated or worn will only harm and they will not affect.  After taking herbs, a doctor or a knowledgeable person show us the world, because if we know that the herb is of the same kind, then it is fine, but if it is not, then the shopkeeper can give something else deliberately or accidentally instead. So it can be difficult. Therefore it is mandatory to get them checked.

2. The water used with drugs, with any yoga or in any formula should be pure or boiled. Use of impure water can reverse the effect of herbs.  Similarly, the containers containing herbs should also be clean and tidy. If possible, keep them in glass bottles so that they are visible from outside. Home medicine of serious diseases and sunlight should be shown to them from time to time.

3. Fresh and green herbs should be used in due course of time. Nutrition in them decreases after drying. Leaves, green bark, etc. should be used only after washing and drying them thoroughly in water.

4. Along with these medicines or use of posed prescriptions, you can take the advice of a physician or a good expert. By the way, all those formulas have tested the test of summer. And most of the time, you are still right, you can use them with self-control.

5. One cannot live for a very long time by taking medicines continuously. Therefore, one should try to remain healthy. Medications should be avoided as far as possible. You can wait for the disease for two-three days. Need again
If you are born, you can take medicines. But a good medicine is one that does not eliminate one disease and cause another disease.

6. While doing home remedies or taking any type of medicine, the laws of nature, diet, diet, diet-feeding rules should be followed. This results in quick effect of medicines. Home medicine does not cause any kind of effect on the body.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Why adopt home remedies। क्यों अपनाएं घरेलू नुस्खे

Why adopt home remedies। क्यों अपनाएं घरेलू नुस्खे

Why adopt home remedies
Home remedies

Knowledge of Ayurveda is in our India since very ancient times. Ayurveda has come out of the world's oldest scripture Vedas. 

Ayurveda has been called the method of keeping your body healthy and the treatment of many diseases and the knowledge of how to avoid them and to maintain a long life while staying healthy. With our birth or after taking birth on this earth, some disease remains in the body. And as the body grows. By the way, there is also an increase in diseases. There are thousands of diseases too, so in Indian philosophy, it is considered a service to look after patients and give medicines to them. Serving Others in Indian Civilization
Great devotion is considered. Home remedies to cure diseases were very prevalent in the ancient way of life in India. This means that certainly the education of that time in women, this subject must be taught compulsorily or in the traditional education system of the family, any woman will continue to learn it from women older than her and this link will be going on continuously. In such a situation, if someone has suffered a disease at home, then these home remedies can be used easily and immediately as initial medicine. When the disease is more complicated, it would be taken to the physician or good doctor.
But as lifestyles changed and the influence of Western and European lifestyles came on our society, so the tradition of learning and learning of domestic tips came to an end. A kind of civilizational distinction spread very rapidly that those who those who know, or use prescriptions, are all illiterate and uncouth. And it is believed that all the rural people of India represent it. On the other hand, the population living in the cities is more civilized as it does not believe in such home remedies but instead believes more in the treatment of allopathy from the west. That is why in the modern education system developed by Macaulay in the 18th century
There would have been no provision for teaching or teaching such prescriptions. Since the way of life of the urban class was developing on the basis of the beliefs and civilization of the West, in the house, traditionally teaching home remedies That the tradition almost came to an end. And then the government and administration also encouraged the treatment of allopathy. As a result, gradually our sisters and women of the house were deprived of this knowledge or the tradition of imparting this knowledge ended. In fact, today we all feel that health is only
Is the largest capital. The one who is well healthy is the wealthiest. If we believe that then, according to today's modern civilization, most of the people of our society will get sick, the main reason for this is the lifestyle and food of today. 
Today's modern civilization believes that the more tension increases, the more development will happen. One implication of this is that the more stress will increase, the more diseases will occur, and it is also visible to us today that as doctors increase, as medicines increase, as hospitals grow. By the way, patients and diseases are also increasing. Another reason for increasing disease and disease is that we have come far away from home remedies and have forgotten the behavior of eating and drinking.  That is, we do not know what to eat and what not to eat. Even in the most ordinary families, there is no such information as to what are the benefits of eating what and in which season, what and what is not harmful by eating what.  That is, we are not able to know the coincidences of food and drink, hence also the diseases increase greatly. The purpose of publishing this blog is decided from here. Home medicine is a stream derived from the knowledge of Ayurveda, first of all, it has to be kept in mind that what is health, and how it can be kept good. That is why in Ayurveda, the routine and the diet are explained in great detail. Much has been elaborated on ways to live a regular life from sunrise to sunyast. According to Ayurveda our body is made up of five elements. Earth, water, fire, air and sky. These elements have a certain proportional relationship among themselves. If this ratio deteriorates in any way, diseases are produced in the body. Apart from this, the five senses are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. The five centers are hands, feet, mouth, anus and penis.  

According to Indian philosophy, for a healthy life, it is necessary that we live life by the rules of religion, meaning, work and salvation. But our life today is far away from all this. The rules of our eating and drinking - abstinence, the rules of sleeping and waking, abstinence, the rules of behavior among ourselves, sobriety are quite different from the principles stated in our religion. According to Ayurveda, this irregularity is contrary to the laws of health. And this irregularity makes us sick.

In today's lifestyle, we are seeing that getting treatment for diseases is becoming more and more expensive. Hence the utility of home remedies is felt more. Another big reason is that in today's knowledge-science, we neither know about the disease, nor do we know about the medicines and treatment process being given to us. That's why most doctors cheat patients unnecessarily. After all, how is it possible that any doctor opens a hospital and within two-three years the hospital becomes multi-storey, in addition to that, there are only a handful of good doctors. That is why there is a need to teach home remedies and home medicine.

Home remedies are thousands of years old and have been tested on time scales. Herbs, water, tree leaves, tree bark, fruits, etc. have all been used to remove minor diseases.

Has developed from its experience and knowledge. Most of the tips are so useful and simple that they go on and on and they prove to be useful in our lives. Domestic medicine is the closest to the principle of Swadeshi because our sages have believed that the medicine is useful for the living being. That is, the trees or plants, flowers, leaves, roots, tubers, soil, air, water and medicines prepared in our forests and forests will be useful to us and not medicines or formulas coming from abroad. Hence it sits closest to the principle of Swadeshi. Since we grow up in this environment. In this season, the pods are large and grow in the same conditions under which conditions, seasons, environment.
 In this tree, plants, full leaves etc. are big and according to the principle of Ayurveda, our body is also made up of five elements, so the nature of these medicines and home remedies is similar to the nature of our body. and perhaps

That is why most of these tips are known in the house and in every village. For this, they do not have to undergo any training nor read any texts, hence the prevalence of home remedies related to domestic medicine is still quite prevalent in our country. They need to be reminded a little bit.  Which we are trying through this book. 

Home medicine is also beneficial in the sense that it can be immediate and is simple. Often it can be from household items. For example, suddenly someone has stomach pain and the patient is 20-25 km away from the city and there is no way to go to the city, in such a time, home remedies are very useful.

In stomachache, taking the powder of parsley in honey gives instant relief or by dissolving 1 ratti asafetida in water, drinking it provides great relief in stomachache or acidity. This type of prescription provides instant relief in stomachache. Similarly, this home medicine is also very cheap. If you go to the doctor for the same pain or acidity, then you will get a lot of fees and expensive medicines.

Will have to take the same place very cheaply with home remedies, this disease can be cured.
In view of all these results, we have published this blog for you. We fully hope that the purpose for which this blog has been written will be fulfilled.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

Routine (dinacharya) means what to do throughout the day?  According to Ayurveda, the routine of a human being should be such that he can lead a healthy and healthy life.  These two main objectives of Ayurveda Shastra are to protect the health of healthy persons and to make patients disease free.  In order to protect the health of healthy people, knowledge has been given in Ayurveda about daily routine.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

1. A healthy person should get up in Brahma Mahurta to protect his age.  Brahma Mahurta means around 4 am.  The air at this time is absolutely pure.  Therefore, it is considered best to wake up during this time.  It is very good to remember God in this time.  Datun or brush etc. should be removed after defecation etc.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

2. Dental benefits - In India, the legislation to do Datun (dentation) has been in place since ancient times. Tooth cleansing of teeth and diseases of teeth are also removed. It is considered good to tritch trees full of juicy, bitter and thick juices. Because astringent juice is shrinking. Which causes irritation in the roots of teeth, ie gums, and then the gums become strong. Gums are strengthened by the strength of the gums. Saliva is produced more by hard and bitter juices. All the defects of teeth are destroyed by this saliva (Lalashrao). The teeth (gums) of teeth are strong and healthy. But in some diseases, it has been suggested not to tooth, such as indigestion- due to this disease, there is friction on the teeth repeatedly (gums). Due to this friction, there is a stir in the umbilical cord. In this way, the body may suffer more.
Due to excessive tendency of saliva from diseases like indigestion, vomiting, cravings etc., digestion of food and purification in stomach is not possible. The glands that produce saliva in the mouth, it comes out more when the saliva is brushed. If this saliva goes inside the body, it helps in digestion. This saliva also purifies the stomach. Therefore, it is considered prohibited to tooth people with certain diseases. But for those patients who can not tooth, there is a law of dentistry. And for those patients who cannot do dentistry for any reason, there is a law to rinse water twelve times for oral cleansing. For the purification of the tongue, it has been said to use detritus. Or silver or copper shalaka (tongue-chisel) can also be used.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

3. Dental benefits - After dentadvan (Datun), beneficial Sauvir Anjan (Kajal or Surma) should be applied to the eyes. Sauvir Anjan is a kind of mineral substance. Which is easily found in Ayurvedic medicine shops. Grind it seven times in lemon juice and make fine powder.  Then it can be applied in the eyes with the help of a sprig or with a clean finger. It is very beneficial to avoid diseases of the eyes.  It can be applied daily. It has been suggested to apply Rasanjan (Ras-Anjan) at least once a week. It also causes phlegm secretion from the eye. Method of preparation of Rasanjan - barberry and indigenous cow for making Rasanjag Milk is used. One quantity of turmeric and 3 quantity of milk is cooked thoroughly (heated and boiled) to create density. Then it can be applied one day a week. Cataract, a disease in the eyes, is a form of phlegm. If this phlegm is destroyed then cataract also cures.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

4. Benefits of massage - The body must massage oil daily. Oil massage must be done to remove old age and excess labor due to famine. Continual oil massage Doing brings happiness, affirmation and lifespan. Continuous oil massage also leads to sound sleep. Regular oil massage also makes the skin beautiful.  And the body becomes strong. Oil massage should be done especially of the head, ears and feet. By the way, oil massage should be done for the whole body, but special oil massage of ears, head and feet should be done.
Oilmills relieve fatigue. The meat muscles are very strong with continuous oil.  Weakness in the body parts comes due to weakness of the muscles. With the regular oil massage, all the senses of the body are happy and are engaged in their actions. The head is the location of the cuff. The quality of the oil is warm (hot) and subtle.  Therefore, massaging the oil on the scalp kills the phlegm, because the oil becomes microscopic and enters from the pores of the skin and goes inside. Therefore, by heating, this oil removes discolored phlegm.  The ear which is there is the special place of Vayu (Vata). If oil is regularly injected into the ears, then the air inside the ears remains in combination, that is, it is balanced. It does not cause ear diseases. Movement is done by the feet, that is, walking. The speed of air increases. If there is an outbreak of air in the feet due to the movement of the feet, the wind breaks the legs due to the presence of air.  It also affects the eyes. The 2 veins pass through the origin of the legs to the eyes. If there is dryness and dirt in the feet then it reaches the eyes. Therefore oil massage and cleansing of feet is very important.
Oil massage should not be given to the patients suffering from Kaphaj diseases and suffering from indigestion.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

5. Benefits of exercise - Exercise increases the body's smallness, ability to work, the brilliance of fire, and deterioration of growth. All body parts are strong. When there is shortness in the organs, there is an obstruction in the heart entrance, the heart rate and the breath speed increase, then such a condition is called exercise. There are many types of exercises. Such as punishment, workout, running, swimming, wrestling etc.  Different exercises have been instructed in all the scriptures to provide strength in different parts of the body. In the scriptures, there is a special law of rugs and Surya Namaskar.
Patients suffering from vata and bile disorders, children, elderly and indigestion patients should not exercise. Vata and Pitta are naturally enhanced by exercise. If someone has anaphylactic or biliary diseases, then exercising will increase more. For growth of all metals in childhood, phlegm is required. If a child exercises, there is a decrease in phlegm
 is. This can cause a deficiency of metals in the child's body. Therefore, boys and girls should not exercise till the age of 10 years.  Because childhood stays till the age of 10 years. In old age there is an increase of air in the body. If exercise is done in old age, then there will be more increase in air, then the diseases of Vata can increase further in the body. This makes the body more
 Weakness may come. That is why one should not exercise in old age. Similarly, the patient of indigestion should also not exercise. Because the patient of indigestion needs water and phlegm for digestion of food.  Exercise reduces the body phlegm and creates excitement in the body.  Because of this the grain does not remain in place  Exercising in this situation is not good.

If proper milk and ghee is not found, then one should not exercise. The reason is that due to exercise, the body's affectionate phlegm comes in handy.  If exercised by consuming milk and ghee, the body gets energy. Exercise should be done in winter, autumn, winter, winter and spring season as per the strength.  Accumulation of air in summer and rainy season and outbreak of air occurs during rainy season.  Exercise increases both the accumulation of air and the outbreak.  When the speed of breath increases while exercising, the hands start to sweat, the sweat should be stopped.

Massage of the body should be done after exercise. Massage in the body of ubutan is the destroyer of phlegm. With the massage of the feet, the limbs and limbs remain stable.  And also remain strong. The skin is also beautiful and attractive. (Ubatan means - mustard, sesame or chironji oil).

Excessive exercise results in increased thirst, muscle loss, breathlessness, blood, bile, rapid exhaustion, mental debility, rashes, fever and vomiting. More exercise, more awareness, more walking, more sex, more laughing, more speaking, etc. are all bad. The person doing this excess is destroyed in the same way, the lion that draws the elephant is destroyed.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

6. Benefits of bathing - Taking a bath causes lightening of the stomach. That is, taking a bath helps to hunger. So bathing should always be done before meals. At the time of bath, Uma which has come out from inside the body returns back inside. And then this is what gives Uma Jathragni strength.
Taking a bath gives rise and increase in age.
The enhancement and growth of air depends on the hygiene of the body. When the body becomes completely clean by bathing, then there is a flow of enthusiasm and strength in the mind. Excretory feces are removed from the body.  There is no possibility of any type of infectious and other diseases. This makes a man's life regular and long.
Taking a bath ends the itching of the skin and also eliminates fatigue of physical labor. Taking a bath stops sweating. And body temperature also decreases. In general, bath should be done only with cold water. Bathing can also be done with light hot water in the winter. But hot water should never be poured on the head during bathing. If hot water is applied to the head and eyes, then the hair and the force of the eyes is destroyed.

Bath causes immediate increase of air in the body. This air is located in the inner part of the body. Ardit disease is the disease of air. Therefore, taking bath in this Ardit disease increases the air more. Therefore bathing is prohibited in the disease of infrequent disease. The eyes are fatherly.  Bile is igneous. By taking bath, bile reaches the eyes more. That is why the heat in the eyes increases. If there is a disease in the eyes already, then the heat increases and the eyes become sore. So do not bathe in eye diseases
 needed. Vata, Pitta and Kapha remain inside the mouth. If there are diseases of the mouth, bathing is likely to deteriorate the balance of vata, bile and phlegm.  Therefore, one should not bathe in diseases of the mouth. Most of the diseases of the mouth are bile in nature. Air has a place in the ears. The outbreak of air in the ears increases when bathing. Therefore, one should not bathe in case of ear diseases. In the disease of diarrhea, water gets high in the stomach. This increases bile. Diarrhea is aggravated by taking bath in the body of Uma. Similarly, in indigestion, fire is slowed. Due to this the food remains undercooked. This causes phlegm. Curd food increases phlegm. Taking bath also increases phlegm. Due to increase in phlegm in the stomach, gastritis is further reduced. That is why bathing is prohibited.  After the meal, the gastronomy continues to digest the food. If a bath is taken after a meal, uma gets more heat in the stomach due to going inward. Due to this the digestion of food is not proper. Even if you have to take bath in Ardit, Mukhopar, Ophthalmology, Tuberculosis, etc., should not be done on the head  A bath can be given below the throat.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
Ayurvedic daily routine

7. (To be healthy) - Guidelines have been given for maintaining the health of a healthy person regularly. Like, to eat again only after proper digestion of the food made earlier. All diseases of the body cause digestive deformity. When the food is digested again and after taking beneficial and napa-tula (together) food, there is no possibility of digestion deformity. Under no circumstances should the force-urine-sneeze etc. be removed forcefully. This causes the distortion of air (vata) in the body. With this comes local distortion.  Conversely, those who want to get out of stool-urine-sneeze naturally should not be stopped.  Preventing them distorts your air.  Heart disease, abdominal diseases etc. are caused by the distortion of this cold air. All diseases are curable in the first stage, that is, they can be treated. If diseases are not treated in the first stage, then they become painful. Later again they cause death.

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार

Ayurvedic daily routine। दैनिक दिनचर्या आयुर्वेद के अनुसार
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8. (Reason for Happiness) - The word Dharma refers to following certain rules in all the scriptures. That is to say, following certain rules is considered religious. That is, which are the rules to hold. Their observance is religion. Whoever conducts contrary to these special rules is unrighteous. In the Indian scriptures, unrighteousness is denoted by sin and religion by virtue. Happiness is only happiness in religion and sorrow in unrighteousness is sorrow. Religion has been discussed in the texts of Ayurveda as Sadakta. Savrit means conduct or good conduct of gentlemen. The name of good conduct is religion.

Friday, April 24, 2020

ABOUT AYURVEDA । आयुर्वेद के बारे में

  ABOUT AYURVEDA । आयुर्वेद के बारे में

About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

In India, the scripture, with the help of which one gets the knowledge to live without being sick, is called Ayurveda.  Religion in Ayurveda is considered to be healthy and to lead a life.  It is not valid in Ayurveda to achieve long age by being patient or to attain short age by being healthy.  That is why all citizens who want a long life by keeping their life healthy, all of them should wear the knowledge of Ayurveda in their lives.  Without a healthy life, one can never get wealth or happiness in one's life.  A sick person cannot achieve any kind of happiness.  A sick person cannot earn money properly by doing any work.
 Our healthy body can acquire all kinds of knowledge.  When the body is destroyed, all the objects of the world are useless.  If the body is healthy, then there are many types of happiness in the world, all can be enjoyed.  Ayurveda is the only scripture or medical system in the whole world that guarantees to give healthy life to humans.  All other medical practices "first become ill and then you will be treated", but nothing is guaranteed.

Ayurveda is an eternal and continuous scripture.  It is said that it originated through Shri Brahmaji, the creator of Srishti.  Brahmaji gave the knowledge of Ayurveda to Daksha Prajapati.  Shri Daksha Prajapati gave this knowledge to Ashwini Kumar.  After this this knowledge reached Indra, the king of the gods.  Devraj Indra gave this knowledge to sages - sages like Atreya, Punavasu etc.  After that this knowledge spread on the earth.  There have been many great sages and vaidyas who spread this knowledge on the earth.  Who keep coming from time to time and giving knowledge to people.  Such as Charaka Rishi, Sushruta, Atreya Rishi, Punavasu Rishi, Kashyapa Rishi etc. - etc.  In this series there was a great sage Vagbhatta Rishi who wrote a scripture called "Ashtanga Hridayam" to spread the knowledge of Ayurveda to the people.

About 7000 verses have been given in this Ashtanga Hridayam Shastra.  These verses are meant to make human life completely healthy.  Some important verses have been translated into English in this post. In order to have maximum use of these verses in normal life, analysis has also been attempted in simple language.

ABOUT AYURVEDA।आयुर्वेद के बारे में

About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

1. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are known in the body.  These defects, if distorted, harm the body, and cause death.  If these vata, pitta and kapha remain in equilibrium in general, then they carry out all the functions of the body and nourish the body. Although vata, bile and phlegm remain in all parts of the body, but especially vata below the navel.  In the posterior part, bile resides between the navel and the heart, and phlegm resides in the upper part of the heart.

ABOUT AYURVEDA।आयुर्वेद के बारे में

About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

2. Kapha predominates when a person is in childhood.  Milk is the staple food in childhood.  The child does not have to walk much.  There is no worry of any kind in childhood.  Therefore, phlegm in the body with the characteristics of balsamic, cold, is formed.  The formation of metals in the body is more in the young age, as well as the formation of blood.  Bile has the biggest role in producing blood.  Physical exercise is also more in the young age.  For this reason, hunger is also felt.  In this situation there is excess of bile.  It is very important to grow bile in young age.  If the bile does not increase, there will be a lack of blood in the body and the metal that makes the body strong will not be formed.  The qualities of Pitta are - Tikshna, hot.
 In old age, the body begins to decay.  All metals decrease in the body.  Increases in body toughness.  In such a situation the effect of Vayu (Vata) in the body increases.  The quality of air is safe and moving.
 According to time division, there is an excess of cold or cold in the first stroke of the day.  Due to this there is little heaviness in the body.  This is why there is an increase in phlegm.  In the second half of the day and during the medieval period, the sun's rays become very strong.  The heat increases.  At this time, bile becomes high.  Therefore, bile prevails in the second half of the day and in the medieval period.  The effect of wind increases due to the slowing down of the third day and evening sun rays.  Similarly, phlegm increases in the first half of the night.  Vayu (Vata) increases in the second half of the night.  Since cold air flows into the atmosphere in the third half or last night of the night, the air in the body also increases as the body comes in contact with this air.
 Similarly, the time of eating and drinking is in harmony with vata, bile, phlegm.  The quantity of phlegm is high in the body while eating food.  When the digestion process of food starts after eating, the predominance of bile remains.  After digestion in food, air predominates.  Food reaches the stomach in association with phlegm.  The saliva produced in the mouth is alkaline.  The secretion that occurs in the stomach is acidic.  Therefore, while eating food, saliva along with food reaches the stomach, where acid is found in it.  Food is sweet (mild) due to the combination of acid and alkali.  Due to the sweetness of food, there is an increase in phlegm in the stomach.  When the food moves beyond the stomach, then the activity of bile begins.  The agitation of this bile increases, which burns the food and converts it into juice.  Meat, marrow, blood, semen, feces, urine, etc. are formed from the food after it turns into juice and there is an excess of air at this stage.  It is due to this air that excreta and urine come out of the body.  In this way, the body naturally increases vata, bile, phlegm daily.  This natural growth protects the body.  The growth of vata, bile, phlegm occurring in this natural way does not cause obstruction in the body, but helps in the actions of the body.  On the contrary, when there is an increase in vata, bile, phlegm due to wrong diet, then the body is harmed and diseases occur.

ABOUT AYURVEDA।आयुर्वेद के बारे में

About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

3. If a person is of Vata nature or the effect of air has increased in his stomach, then his leprosy will be cruel.  That is, the person will have a bowel movement late.  This is also called leprosy.  A medicine is needed to cure it.  Drugs that reduce vata and increase bile.  As the bile increases, so does the leprosy.
  When the leprosy becomes soft, it becomes easier to bowel.  Milk, Triphala is a very good medicine to ease bowel movements.  It is easiest to bowel when only vata, pitta, phlegm are equal or even.
  In Ayurveda, the equivalence of all three doshas is considered to be the basis of wellness.  That is, in which there is similarity of Vata, Pitta, Kapha, the three doshas are healthy.  By combining these three doshas, ​​7 other forms are formed.  These other 7 species cause more diseases.  One who has a vata nature since childhood should avoid such food and food which increases the air.  Similarly, one who has bile nature since childhood should avoid such food and food which increases the bile.  If someone has a phlegmatic nature since childhood, then he should avoid food that promotes phlegm.  A person of Vata nature should avoid dry environment and cold places.  A person of Pitta nature should avoid eating hot things.  Those with phlegmatic nature should avoid eating heavy and greasy items.

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About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

4. Air is not really cold.  But when the air combines with the cold, it cools down.  For example, after the snow falls on the mountains, the air moving from there becomes cold.  Similarly, if there is a warm atmosphere or if the sunlight is more, then the air becomes hot and moves.  That is why in the winter the wind always cools and in summer the air always runs hot.  Air does not have its own cold and hot properties.  Directly the air, which comes in contact, carries the same quality.  If a person lives in a cold place, then the air (Vata) rises.  Similarly, if a person consumes cold liquids, the air also increases.  Sitting in intense air causes a decrease in the metals of the body, due to which there is parity (completion) in the body.  Salinity also comes in the body due to the effect of air.  Air is very fine, which enters any small place.  The air is moving, so it is never stable.

ABOUT AYURVEDA।आयुर्वेद के बारे में

About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

5. Fire and water predominate in the formation of bile.  Therefore, bile is considered as igneous.  Earth and water predominate in the formation of phlegm.  Therefore, all the qualities of earth, water, fire etc. fall into these doshas.  In the same way, air has precedence in the creation of Vata.
  These three doshas, ​​metals and feces (sweat, urine, Vitha) are the original holders of the body.  In Ayurveda, all the three doshas, ​​seven metals and all the three malas are considered important.  If there is imbalance or deformity in any one of these, then it is difficult to stay healthy.  This dushya (which is contaminated) is combined with seven metals and three taps.  Vata, Pitta, Kapha are the three doshas that contaminate.  Muds originate from the proper digestion of seven metals.  These metals are the origin and main of the feces.  It is the duty of all the metals to remove the contaminants, to remove them.  If there is no removal of these faeces from the body, then these feces become very harmful and destroy the body.  By any means, defects, faults and metals like these increase in them.  On the other hand, the defect or defect in the opposite or unusual thing leads to a decrease in metals and dirt.  For example air quality is Laksh (dry), cold.  Is short.  In such a situation, if substances are given to the body against the properties of cold, cold etc. then the outbreak of air will increase in the body.  The work of air is going on, so if a person moves more then the growth of air will happen in the body.  Similarly, substances with opposite properties of air should be used, such as oil etc., then the outbreak of air is reduced.  In the same way, if the body is fixed, that is, when it is seated calmly, then the outbreak of air also decreases in the body.  All the substances which are contrary to the qualities of air are the ones who calm the air.  Like wheat, the air calms down, but millet increases the air.  Because the quality of millet is rupa which is similar to that of vayu.  Therefore, the same qualities, objects of karma increase the air and vice versa, objects of karma cause a decrease in air.  Any kind of bitter juice (bitter juice like bitter gourd juice etc.) increases vata.

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About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

6. Whatever substance or things are there, there are 6 juices in them.  All liquids (objects) originate from panchamabhutas.  Panch mahabhutas means earth, water, sky, air and fire.  The sweet (sweet) juice originates from the earth and water.  Most juice of the body comes from this juice.  If there is no earth and water, no thing can be produced.  The sweetest juice contributes most to the nutrition and growth of the body.  Air, fire and sky also contribute to the growth and nutrition of the body.  Barring the sweet juices, all other juices have precedence over air, fire and sky.  Air and fire are considered to be absorbent and sky is considered as zero, hence the entire growth of the body is air, fire and sky
 Is not possible with  Earth and water elements are very much needed for the complete development of the body.  But there is motion in the body through air, due to which the juices are exploited.  Digestion takes place in the body through fire.  Diffusion in the body is done by sources with zero holes - digestive substances.  The origin of any seed requires earth and water element.  Then the sky element is needed.  After that, the air element is needed and finally the fire element.  Therefore, all the juices made from these five elements are very important.
 The juice that is formed when the liquids are cooked by gastronomy
 Vipak says.  Liquids contain juices.  Sweet and salty juices are sweet.  Acidic acid is also acid.  Biting, bitter, bitter is bitter.

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About Ayurveda । आयुर्वेद के बारे में
About Ayurveda

7. The imbalance of Kaal, Artha, Karma means - too little or too much.  Such as in time - rainfall is too much or rainfall is too low.  Similarly, summer is too much or not at all.  Sometimes there is too much rain and sudden sunshine comes very fast and then there is intense rain.  All these are examples of time imbalance.  The subject of knowledge is taken from meaning.  Among them is the subject word of the conundrum.  Inferiority is. Because to listen to very inferior words, the ears have more power.  Hearing unpleasant words with false ears like - your son has died.  Your house has been stolen.  This is called false yoga.  In this way there is an extreme yoga.  For example, if someone shoots a gun near the ears, it can rupture the ears.  This is an example of Atiyog.  Examples of inferior, false and excessive yoga for touch - combination of extremely cold or hot liquids with the skin.  At the time when hot liquids are touched, at that time there is heat of hot (gum) and inferiority of cold.  If a person comes in summer and takes a bath with cold water, it is a misnomer for the skin.  Similarly, touching various types of dirty liquids on the skin leads to false yoga.  Examples of different yogas for the form - the eyes do the work of seeing the form with the combination of light.  If there is no light, then the work of seeing or reading with eyes at that time is considered inferior yoga.  Mithya yoga is a sight to behold with violent eyes or unpleasant events.  Seeing the sun or seeing it in extreme light is called extreme yoga. '  For juice- If one juice is consumed in more quantity then it is excessive.  And.If very small amount of juice is consumed, it is called inferior yoga.  Eating rotten food or fruits or eating food against it is called Mithya Yoga.  For smell - smelling very strong smells like musk, ammonia gas etc.  Not smelling fragrant things is inferior yoga.  Smelling unpleasant smells is false yoga.  Similarly, of all the senses of knowledge Can be decided about.  Taking excess form in excess, taking in minimum quantity, inferior yoga and not being interestingly coincidental is false.  There are also karma-senses.  His theme is the word mouth.  To speak in a loud voice is attyog, not to speak at all is inferior yoga and to speak unpleasant is false.  Over-work with hands, non-action, not working at all, inferior yoga and improper work comes under falsehood.  The movement of the legs is of the feet.  Walking too much is excessive yoga, not walking at all is inferior yoga and walking incorrectly is called falsehood.  Excess of excretion and excretion of feces, non-excretion of feces is inferior yoga, not excretion of feces improperly is a misnomer.  All types of inferior, false, excessive yoga are the cause of diseases.  On the other hand, the condition of the body is healthy if all are used together.
 Asymmetry of doshas is disease, and being equal to doshas is healthy (healthy).